20-Minute ELEVATION | Plyo Power
Welcome to my 20-minute no repeat cardio workout “Plyo Power” from my ELEVATION Workout Plan. Get your FREE 2-week ELEVATION Intermediate Level Workout Plan here! “Plyo Power” is an…
Welcome to my 20-minute no repeat cardio workout “Plyo Power” from my ELEVATION Workout Plan. Get your FREE 2-week ELEVATION Intermediate Level Workout Plan here! “Plyo Power” is an…
Welcome to my 30-minute live stream full body walking group workout. In this workout me and 12 of my beloved group fitness students step to the beat of the…
Welcome to my 20-minute no repeat cardio workout “Walk This Way” from my FOUNDATION Workout Plan. Get your FREE 2-week FOUNDATION Beginner Level Workout Plan here! “Walk This Way”…
Welcome to my 20-minute no repeat cardio HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout “Cardio Blast HIIT” from my ELEVATION Workout Plan. Get your FREE 2-week ELEVATION Intermediate Level Workout Plan…
Welcome to my 20-minute no repeat strength workout “Cardio for Starters” from my FOUNDATION Workout Plan. Get your FREE 2-week FOUNDATION Beginner Level Workout Plan here! “Cardio for Starters”…
Welcome to my 45-minute full-body interval workout. We work all our major muscle groups in a 2:1 work: rest ratio of varying interval times. In this blog you’ll find…
Welcome to my 20-minute live stream Walking workout. We are stepping at 128 bpm to get 2000+ steps which is over 1 mile. In this blog you’ll find a…
Welcome to my 30-minute low-impact cardio workout. We work all of our muscles using just body-weight for a fun, fast-paced full body workout. If you need a little “extra”,…
Welcome to my body-weight cardio workout that’s great for beginners. This workout is all low impact cardio and you can take it at your own pace, taking rests when…
Welcome to my 20-minute live stream cardio kickboxing workout. We work in a fast-paced Tabata style for 20 intervals. All you need is your sneakers. No equipment necessary! In…