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gf Collection | Arms & Shoulders
Welcome to my gf Collection for Arms & Shoulders. In this post I will introduce you to my top 20 go-to biceps, triceps and shoulder exercises. I use these moves all the time when I’m creating workouts.
Visit all of my Collections and read about ways to design your own original workout. Don’t have time to design your own workout? Check out my Workouts and chose one we can do together!
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Options for All Levels
⬆️ Intensity: Lift heavier, add instability (one arm/leg or ball/Bosu/balance board), add time, add reps or decrease rest.
⬇️ Intensity: Lower or drop weights, reduce range of motion, rep one arm/leg at a time, decrease time, decrease reps or increase rest.
Collection Video:
Arms & Shoulders Exercises:
For ideas on how to put these exercises into a workout routine, visit gf Collections. Modification “Mod” are offered for each exercise listed.
Tricep Pushup
Mod: Do your pushups on your knees or standing with your hands on a counter top.
Tate Press
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights or do one arm at a time.
Overhead Tricep Press
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or hold one weight with both hands.
Tricep Kickback
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights or do one arm at a time with the other hand on a table or chair to support your low back.
Scarecrow Tricep
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights or do one arm at a time.
Tricep Dips
Mod: Sit for a break between each rep, bend your legs and bring your feet directly under your knees or reduce your range of motion.
Modifications “Mod” for all of the bicep moves are the same: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or reduce your range of motion.
Wide Curl
Serving Bicep Curl
Hammer Curl
Zombie Curl
Cross-Body Curl
Reverse Curl
Front Raise
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or hold one weight with both hands.
Lateral Raise
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or bend your arms at 90-degrees and lift your arms (in the finished position your forearms will be pointing in front of you – this is called a Bent Lateral Raise).
Arnold Press
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights or do one arm at a time.
French Doors
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights or do one arm at a time.
Around the World
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or reduce your range of motion.
Wide Overhead Press
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or hold one weight with both hands.
Narrow Overhead Press
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or hold one weight with both hands.
Upright Row
Mod: Reduce/drop your weights, do one arm at a time or hold one weight with both hands.